Our Values

To Improve the quality of care and outcomes for people with end stage kidney disease in Australia and New Zealand by:

  • Collecting and analysing accurate and comprehensive data from all patients receiving long term dialysis or kidney transplantation in Australia and New Zealand,
  • Producing and disseminating reports,
  • Informing development of practice, policy and health services,
  • Working with stakeholders to improve the understanding of kidney disease and outcomes of treatment.

The Registry will encourage and enable the highest quality of care for people in Australia and New Zealand with end stage kidney disease by providing information that is complete, accurate, clear, relevant, readily available and timely.

Patient Centred Focus

  • Recognizing that the primary role of ANZDATA is to contribute to improvements in quality of care and outcomes for people with end stage kidney disease.

Serving the Community

  • Providing a high-quality service to the patients, carers, health professionals, health organisations, policymakers, funders and other interested parties so that consumers and health providers have access to, understand and make appropriate use of the data collected by the Registry.
  • Acknowledging the contributions of renal units and working in partnership with the nephrology community.


  • Collecting data and providing reports and analysis that are of the highest quality and reliability through a comprehensive strategy of data quality assurance and the use of appropriate statistical methodologies.


  • Providing data, reports and analysis in a manner that is clear, precise and easily understood by stakeholders.


  • Respecting the privacy of records held within the Registry and acting to protect the identity of individuals and health care services.


  • Providing reports and data in an efficient and timely manner.


  • Producing reports and analysis, and conducting interactions with stakeholders in a manner that is honest, transparent and responsible.

Continuous Improvement

Continuously improving the quality of our activities and frequently update policies and practices to remain relevant to the needs of stakeholders.


  • Operating in a manner that uses resources responsibly and ensures the long-term viability of the Registry.